
My veterinary practice is more specialized and personalized than the experience you have when you go to the typical general practice veterinary hospital. I work as a house-call, concierge veterinarian and heavily invest time and energy into the wellbeing of my patients.

In promoting my patients' best wellness or dealing with illnesses, I take a holistic approach that integrates both Western and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. I closely look at what is going on in my patients' day-to-day lives that is contributing to mild to severe illnesses and take a preventative approach that doesn’t overly burden the body with toxins or potential inducers of inflammation/disease. Often, it comes down to the food, water, environment, activity, stress levels, source of inflammation/infection, etc. that contributes to disease or helps to prevent it form occurring.

Many of my patients have discomfort or mobility problems secondary to arthritis and degenerative joint disease (DJD), surgery, cancer, metabolic disease, or other conditions. In general, I strive to reduce my patients’ reliance on medications potentially having serious adverse side effects.

I suggest a multimodal and holistic approach to my patients’ day-to-day health using:

  • Western medications (striving to minimize required dose/frequency)
  • Nutraceuticals (omega fatty acids, joint support products, antioxidants, probiotics, etc.)
  • Healthy weight management (exercise, physical rehabilitation, whole food diet, etc.)
  • Chinese herbal formulas (pet specific, etc.)
  • Environmental modification (making your home pet safe, etc.)
  • Acupuncture treatment (needle, MultiRadiance Laser, acupressure massage, electrostimulation, aquapuncture, etc.) either provided by myself or a veterinary colleague
  • Judicious vaccination administration and the use of antibody titers to determine when certain vaccines are needed before an unnecessary vaccination is given.
  • Promotion of periodontal health through home dental care and cleanings with or without the use of anesthesia

I offer my services on a house call basis and my territory includes West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood and Pacific Palisades.

I can also provide laboratory diagnostics (blood, fecal, urine, and other testing). If more advanced diagnostics need to be done, such as an x-ray, ultrasound, or consultation with a specialist (veterinary dentist, cardiologist, internal medicine specialist, surgeon, neurologist, etc.) then I typically refer to specialists at the City of Angels Veterinary Specialty Center or another Los Angeles-area speciality practice.

After I examine your pet, I send a comprehensive post-consultation email summary within 24-72 hours. This creates an ongoing thread of dialogue so we can correspond at any time. I strive to make myself highly available to my clients through email, phone, and text message. Even if I am not immediately able to provide a house call, I can still help within my capacity.

If you’d like to schedule a house call please email me with a brief summary of your pet’s health concerns and your location so I can determine if my services are commensurate to your needs. I commonly book appointments two to three weeks in advance and I can often squeeze in new patients and those in need of more urgent treatment as soon as reasonably possible.