Dr. Patrick Mahaney Interviews Jane Lynch for PetCon 2020

Are you familiar with the work of multi-award winning and Hollywood Walk of Fame star recipient Jane Lynch? She’s one of my favorite people, pet parents, and clients.

As Jane is so willing to lend her celebrity to animal causes, she sat down to participate with me for a Zoom interview for PetCon 2021. This year’s PetCon was an on-line event with complimentary admission, but all proceeds from VIP tickets and donations benefited the Animal Cancer Foundation.

It was fun to be able to ask some questions about Jane’s life with pets, career working with animals, and more. Check out (and share) my interview with Jane Lynch on YouTube (click Jane Lynch Interview PetCon 2020) or the below imbedded video.

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Copyright of this article (2020) is owned by Dr. Patrick Mahaney, Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, and Certified Veterinary Journalist.

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