Dr. Patrick Mahaney Interviews Judy Greer Johnsen for the ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project

Through the ElleVet Sciences Pets in Need Project I get to interview many interesting people.

Although I had only known her as a client for a short time, I was so impressed that one of my favorite actresses, Judy Greer Johnsen, was willing to contribute her celebrity to our cause.

Judy has a very sweet and cuddly terrier mix named Mary Richards that has so many of the characteristics that I love about a canine companion, as I’m partial to terriers and their mixes. Mary Richards was adopted from Wags & Wags, which is a great, Los Angeles-based pet rescue from which I have several patients.

Judy does not know this (yet), but she is one of the stars of one of my favorite movies of all time, Jawbreaker. Judy plays a character named Fern Mayo, who is given the chance of a lifetime to be reinvented as the cool, new girl at school, Vylette, under the twisted tutelage of Rose McGowan’s character, Courtney. She’s also been in many other movies and television shows that you’ve likely seen over the years.

I also thought Judy was great in the Halloween series reboot, starting with Halloween and then two more eagerly anticipated movies to come.

Either watch the below YouTube video to see our interview or click this link Judy Greer Johnsen Interview ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project

Thank you Judy for supporting the ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project. We appreciate your dedication to animal welfare and advocacy of pet rescue.

Click Ellevet Sciences Pets In Need Project to learn more.

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