Dr. Patrick Mahaney Interviews Sarah Paulson for the ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project

Through the ElleVet Sciences Pets in Need Project I get to interview many interesting people and learn about their relationships with their pets.

Although I had only known her as a client for a few months, I was so psyched that one the world’s most-highly respected actresses, Sarah Paulson, was willing to contribute her celebrity to our cause.

Sarah’s dog Winnie, a mixed-breed rescue from Paw Works is featured in this video. Winnie is a pleasure to have a patient as she is very cooperative for her physical examinations.

Sarah now has an additional household canine companion, Louise (also a mixed-breed rescue from Paw Works), who is not part of this video.

Either watch the below YouTube video to see our interview or click this link Sarah Paulson Interview ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project

Thank you Sarah and Winnie for supporting the ElleVet Sciences Pets In Need Project. We appreciate your dedication to animal welfare and advocacy of pet rescue.

Click Ellevet Sciences Pets In Need Project to learn more.

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Copyright of this article (2021) is owned by Dr. Patrick Mahaney, Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, and Certified Veterinary Journalist.

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