Check Out My Edgy New Haircut

My dads schedule me to have a haircut about every 3 months. It is usually haircut time when I start attracting large volumes of dust and debris from our Los Angeles environment (just like a Swiffer). The timing is perfect, as we have a trip to Delaware and Washington, DC planned for Thanksgiving, so they wanted to give my coat some time for regrowth before I am thrust into the wintry east coast weather. I have never been a dog that shied away from changing my look (see IMHA Haircut Makes Me Look Like a Different Dog) or trying the latest fashion (see New Collar Complements My Fresh Fur), so I decided it was time go for an edgy new look. I really like the results! Now I feel like a rockin', rebellious, tough-guy Welsh Terrier! Thank you to David from Hollywood Hounds for making me look so spiffy! Photo of Mohawk Hollywood Hounds Sign What do you think? Thank you for reading my latest dog blog post. To receive an email with my next blog post (or my dad’s veterinary blog), please press the “Don’t Miss a Blog Post” button on our webpage.