Have you heard of Zoobiquity? It's an important concept that explores the relationship between human and animal health.
Recently, my veterinary oncologist colleague at Veterinary Cancer Group, Dr. Mona Rosenberg, appeared on CBS LA to discuss treatment of her canine patient having breast cancer who received a chemotherapeutic drug that is new to veterinary medicine but has been used in human medicine for more than 20 years.
The news piece can be viewed in full here: Animals Can Be 'Key to Understanding Host of Human Problems,' Doctor Says.
There are actually many crossovers between human and veterinary medicine about which many pet owners never consider. In 2014, I wrote an article on a similar topic for PetMD's The Daily Vet: The Link Between Pets and Human Health.
In the article, I explore a similar topic to Zoobiquity called Zooeiya, which refers to the beneficial effects companion animals have on human health.
Has your pet ever been diagnosed with the same or silmiar ailments as you or a family member (or vise versa)? Feel free to share your comments.
Dr. Mona Rosenberg On CBS LA Discussing Zoobiquity
Dr. Mona Rosenberg On CBS LA Discussing Zoobiquity