At an early age, my parents instilled in me the importance of making a formal introduction. Clearly stating your first and name, offering your (clean) hand to shake, and establishing eye contact help to ensure your remembrance.
Now that I am all grown up (at least from an age perspective) and have been accepted into the petMD fold of veterinary writers, I hope to ensure that you, The Daily Vet reader, will remember my message of holistic pet care.
Here goes my official introduction (commence eye contact and hand shaking):
Greetings companion animal loving petMD community,
I’m Patrick Mahaney, an advocate of adopting healthy food/lifestyle/activity as the building blocks upon which to sustain our pets’ health and manage disease. As an integrative veterinarian, I combine western (conventional) and eastern (Chinese medicine) perspectives to treat my canine and feline patients.
Besides applying my veterinary school training and clinical experiences, I seek a deeper level of understanding the body’s energies and how they correlate to disease processes. Inspired by my strong interest in yoga as a means of establishing a mind-body connection, I became a certified veterinary acupuncturist (CVA) through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS), so that could apply a similar approach to my patients.
My non-traditional approach is well accepted by the open-minded, pet-loving inhabitants of Los Angeles, where I primarily treat my patients on a house call basis. In the familiar confines of a dog or cat’s own home, the calming, healing benefits of acupuncture, acupressure, and musculoskeletal manipulative treatments are most effective. Thoroughly evaluating my patients’ environment also permits me to make lifestyle changes that promote the reduction of traumatic injuries, avoidance of toxic substances, and alleviation of chronic stressors that negatively impact the immune system.
Once I determined that Los Angeles was going to be my home indefinitely, I founded my own practice, California Pet Acupuncture and Wellness (CPAW), Inc. Many of my patients are geriatric or have cancer, so the logical next step was to offer my services at a like minded facility, which has led to my work with the Veterinary Cancer Group (VCG).
My own dog, Cardiff, serves as inspiration for my style of practice. Having survived three bouts of typically fatal Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA), Cardiff's illness prompted me to delve deeper into the contributing factors and provide treatment integrating both western and Chinese medicine perspectives. Providing a diet rich in whole foods, immune system enhancing supplements and Chinese herbs, along with medicating him with a consistently dosed immunosuppressive drug has kept his condition under control. Fortunately, Cardiff's health has never been better, but I perform regular laboratory testing and avoid stressors to his immune system that could induce another hemolytic episode.
In 2011, I participated in my first international veterinary volunteer project with Amazon CARES. I traveled to Peruvian urban and Amazon jungle communities to provide medical and surgical treatments to dogs and cats, most of which have no access to any form of veterinary care. You can read about my outreach adventures in the Vets Abroad category of Patrick’s Blog.
Along with my clinical work, I greatly enjoy spreading my message of animal health and welfare through media projects. This brings me to my latest venture as part of petMD’s esteemed team of contributors to The Daily Vet (TDV).
In my TDV blog, I will share the insightful, eye opening, and often life affirming experiences continually encountered in my particular style of veterinary practice. My media work also provides many opportunities to attend pet-positive events, interact with celebrities, and review novel products. I will also take you along on my domestic and international travels and provide a front row perspective on the intrinsic connection between human and animal public health, often seen to the extreme when unfortunate circumstances occur.
I look forward to your readership and invite you to email me at with your topic suggestions, comments, questions, and personal tales of holistically treating your pets.
Dr Patrick Mahaney Joins The Daily Vet Team on petMD
Dr Patrick Mahaney Joins The Daily Vet Team on petMD