After sleeping on my dad’s lap the entire ride out to Palm Springs yesterday, I still don’t feel so well. Ever since we got back from our family visit on the East coast (see above picture of me in front of the White House), I have felt so tired and have just been laying on my kitty blanket. I have had 3 days of nonspecific signs of illness, such as lethargy, and now more things are starting to go wrong.
Today, I developed pain in my left carpus (wrist) and am walking with pronounced lameness. I still hop around on three legs and am very interested fishing my Mr. Martian toy out of my friend Mitch’s pool in Palm Springs.
It also hurts for me to open my mouth very wide. When my dad tried to look inside my mouth, I let out a alarming yelp! Now he knows that my jaw is hurting, but we still don’t know why.
Fortunately, I am still eating, drinking, pooping, and peeing normally. My dads are concerned about my lethargy, as it could be the beginning of a recurrence of my Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA). Tomorrow, my dad has to work at TLC Pet Medical Center in West Hollywood, so he is going to do some diagnostics to see what is going on with my insides. I hope that everything check out okay and I feel better soon.
Something Isn't Quite Right With Me
Something Isn't Quite Right With Me