Thank You To All Participants In My Pet And People Acupuncture Event

I am expressing a big thank you to Evolve Wellness for providing such an amazing venue for our first pet and people event. It was great to have the Evolve acupuncturists and other staff members involved to inform guests of Evolve’s human acupuncture services. Click this link to view my images from the event. We had such a great day spreading the word about the benefits of people and pet acupuncture. A lucky group of dogs and two cats (including Pretzel) received a complimentary integrative examination (combining both Western and Eastern perspectives) and recommendations on how to manage their current health conditions. Additional thanks to Martha Smith and Elisa Jordan from i Love Dogs for providing a variety sample of their canine supplements to attendees of the events. Much appreciation to Eric Hulme from Tender Greens in West Hollywood for the amazing food, aqua fresca, and natural dog treats. Both our canine and human attendees exuberantly gobbled up the food and treats. Cardiff made sure to show the other dogs how to properly sit and wait patiently for a treat. Photo of Cardiff Sits For Tender Greens Treat A final thank you to The Pet Butler for providing pet waste removal services. Fortunately, all dogs were on good bathroom behavior and no major cleanup was needed. Keep an eye out for the notice of my late summer acupuncture event at The Healthy Spot in Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Patrick Mahaney? Veterinarian and Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist? California Pet Acupuncture & Wellness (CPAW), Inc.